The cavity is one of the more frequent dental illnesses. Generally , it elapses of an inadequate diet, deficient buccal hygiene and the consequent accumulation of bacterial plate.
To prevent the cavities , it is enough to reduce the frequency of ingestion of sugars and to acquire the habit to make a correct hygienic cleaning after all the meals.
and the illnesses of the gum
The bacterial plate is nothing more than an accumulation of alive bacteria and food residues that are deposited on teeth. It is the main factor that causes the illnesses most common of the buccal socket (gengivitis and periodontitis).
When there is not a good brushing, , the bacterial plate accumulates itself and it can infiltrate between teeth and the gum, causing bleeding, redness and swell, that are the main symptoms of the gengivitis.
This infiltration can be drawn out still more and if harden, forming the tartar.
Together with the bacterial plate, the tartar can aggravate the gengivitis , dislocating the tooth of the gum, thus compromising the osseous structure (periodontitis symptoms), that can to cause the fall of the tooth. |