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Certified copy of the Part of the Process of Christ, existing in the Museum of Spain, according to source consulted.

Source: ” Basic level textbook of the Lawyer” - by Manoel Fernandes Quadra, Ed. Edijur, pp.187-188 – Brazil

Note of IEJU-SA – there is no scientific confirmation about its veracity, yet.



Judgement of Christ : Jesus Christus in the presence of Pôncio Pilatos and Herodes



                                   In the year nineteen of TIBERIUS CESAR, Roman  Emperor  of the whole world, invincible Monarch in Olimpic Games  one hundred and twenty and one, and in Eliad  twenty and four, of the creation of the world, according to number and calculation  of the Hebrews, four times a thousand one hundred and eighty and seven, of the progenius of the Roman Empire, in year seventy and three, and in the release of the captivity of Babilon, in year a thousand two hundred and seven, being governor of the Judea QUINTUS SERGIUS , under the regiment and governor of the city of Jerusalem,Gratefully  President  PONCIUS PILATUS; regent in the Low Galilee , HERODES ANTIPAS; Pontiff of the supreme priest, CAIFAHS; greats of the Temple, ALIS ALMAEL, ROBAS ACASEL, FANCHINO CEUTAURO; Roman consuls of the city of Jerusalem, QUINTUS CORNELIUS SUBLIME  and SIXTUS  RUSTUS, in the month of March and day XXV of the present year -

                                   ME, PONCIUS  PILATUS, here  President of the Roman Empire inside the Palace and arch-residence,

                                   I JUDGE, I CONDEMN AND I SENTENCE to the DEATH, Jesus, called for the common people - CHRIST NAZARENUS  - and Galileu of nation, seditious man, against the  Mosaic Law  - contrary to great Emperor TIBERIUS CESAR.

                                   I DETERMINE AND I COMMAND for this, that  there is given  to  him  death  in the cross, being crowned  with nails as   all guilties are ,  because congregating and adjusting men, rich and poor, he  has not ceased to promote tumults for all the Judea , saying himself  son of GOD and KING of ISRAEL, threatening with the ruin of Jerusalem and  the sacro  Temple, denying tribute Cesar, having still the boldness  to enter with branches and in triumph, with great part of the common people, inside of the city of Jerusalem. That he  be  jointed  and lashed, and that he  be  dressed  with  purple  and crowned of some thorns, with the proper cross to the shoulders so that serves of example to all the evildoers, and that, together with him , two thieves  homicides; soon leaving for sacred door, today ANTONIANA, and that  JESUS be conducted  to the public mount of Justice , called CALVARIO , where ,  crucifixed  and died , his body will stay  in the cross, as spectacle for all the evildoers, and that upon the cross  will be  put, in diverse languages, this heading: JESUS NAZARENUS, REX JUDEORUM. I  rule  also that no person of any state or condition dare, rashly, to hinder Justice for me ordered, managed and executed with all the severity, according to Roman  Decrees and Laws , under the penalties of rebellion against the  Roman  Emperor .

                                   Witnesses of our sentence: 

                                      For the twelve tribes of Israel: RABAIM DANIEL, RABAIM JOAQUIN BANICAR, BANBASU, LARÉ PETUCULANI.   

                                       For the Pharisees: BULLIENIEL, SIMEON , RANOL, BABBINE, MANDOANI, BANCURFOSSI.  

                                   For the Hebrews: MATUMBERTO.    

                                   For the Roman Empire and the President of Rome: LUCIUS  SEXTILIUS and   AMANCIUS  CHILICIUS .


The main legal errors occurrences in this process had been:

1) nocturnal, contrary judgment to the Hebrew and Roman laws, not giving to the process advertising;

2) conflict of authority: 4 judges in the same process;

3) lack of authority of Anahs alone, to interrogate Jesus, ut of the Sinedrian;

4) Herodes, in Jerusalem, does not only have jurisdiction on Jesus – only in the Galilee;

5) false witnesses, bridden for the judges.


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