Lia Pantoja Milhomens
December of 2004, in day that I do not
remember, I attended, as of habit, to
a scientific interview in a closed tv channel
, where one of the most brilliant masters of
the new genetic science was interviewed ,
specialist in the forefront study on
cell-trunk, representative of the favorable
chain to the human cloning.
magnificently on cellular breath, on
mitocondres, gens, chromosomes, adenines,
citosines, timines, guanines, DNA, desorribose,
nucleotides, filaments, the scientist
enraptured the viewers, also myself,apreciator of
biological sciences, and, visibly, the
interviewer too. Then this, at certain
time, made to him a question
that all mortal would like to see answered
some day for a scientific genius as that
one: after as much and extraordinary
knowledge acquired on the human being
life , could he say if he believed
the existence of God?
it came the overwhelming reply:
I not only believe, but I affirm His existence, therefore I see Him and
I am always with Him when I find me studying the DNA!
Enthusiastic, the
reporter went more deep in his investigation and asked him
if God was in the DNA. And the reply of brilliant man became simple,
direct and enlightening:
Not! God is not in the DNA. The DNA is God!
one pause, where it is
made a grave silence, as that one
who always becomes at the
following moment to a great revelation,
he explained:
- It does
not exist anything bigger than That One wich creates the life, determines
its characteristics and its duration - the DNA is the only one capable
to carry through such prodigy. Therefore, the DNA is the supreme being, is God.
of the first surprise, immediately that thought
came to me: in this line
of reasoning, we will arrive at the conclusion that
this sir scientist is above God
- here is that, being It the
DNA, who handles it, who
transfers it, who modifies it, will
be then what!? And, yet, what kind of
God leaves to make Itself of
trick at the hands of a mortal? Nor the
gods of ancient religions left
themselves to be used like
this - they were who occupied
themselves in making tricks with
the human beings! It will be, therefore,
that we will be returning to the very
old times? But what a strange
return! Whereas at now it would
not to exist only one God, but,
also, innumerable Super-Gods, as much
how many people that were made
use to study genetics - and all of them
mortals! How it would have I to understand
this situation - would be this a tragedy
or a comedy? Or it would be a modern
version of the comic opera by Offenbach, “The
Tales of Hoffman”, in which is told
the story of a scientist who constructs
a so perfect doll that a poor poet, when
contemplating it, judging it a pretty young girl
full of qualities, gets deeply
passionate for it - the great scientist
would be God and the poor poet the interviewed
became a commercial break , and
at the return of the programming,
could I see that it was not about
any opera, but about the interview
announced since the eve for the TV sender.
carried myself mentally, then, to the
days of my infancy, therefore it came
me to the mind an similar episode : to
the six years of age, I got a gift
from my parents, an intelligence
game known as “puzzle”, that,
complete, forms the famous picture
by Leonardo da Vinci , the Mona
Lisa, whose history they had explained
me at that moment. Still with little
intellectual development to reach the
intrinsic value of the original one
of the famous work of art,
even though had recognized all
its beauty and esplendor, I decided
to play with my gift and to accept its
challenge: I sat down in the soil and shuffled
all the teeny parts that formed the figure,
later I mixed them, I shook them, I caught
one to one and I looked its accurate
place and at the end of half an
hour, I obtained to complete the picture.
I repeated the game some times and finally I obtained
to mount the figure in some minutes.
Overhelmed with the trick, I left
crying out for the room, in my pueril
Papa, Mom, I am more important than this
Da Vinci! He only obtained to make a
picture of the Mona Lisa and I obtain
to make how many Mona Lisa’s
pictures I want, I undo then
and I make then over again , all compoletly
equal !
that time I did not understande the amiable
smile of my parents but, at now I
delight in the remembrance of
a so great childish arrogance
of mine.
waited the end of the presentation and
decided to meditate deeply above
all what I just finished to to
witness: a so high technological development
and the incapacity to distinguish an
incorporeal reality from another material.
the former scientist was capable
to make such a deduction on
the divine nature, then what will not
be capable to deduce the other human
beings, well less illustrated, as is
the all of us majority
the observation of the moral
and ethical nonsenses that we currently
see in the whole world, by effect
only of the the human being misbehave,
against itself same and all the Nature
and its other inhabitants, destroying
the planet with its activities that they
understand to be so important, we
can imagine : what will be that more
evolved beings do not go to find
of all that our scientific
discoveries - do not pass them
of mischievousness of infantile
beings? Persons that, irresponsibly
, are destroying the planet as if it was
a toy that had they earned as gift
from God (faced for all of thus
that act by that way as the
figure of their human fathers
, so imperfect as they are , without
responsibility about the undamagedy
of all the universe) and for their mere
delight they can destroy it, because
later “Papa”it will give
to them plus other toys, that is, other
planets, perhaps until better and bigger
ones , for the sake of them be
able to continue this workmanship of
we can see, we only can conclude
that it is already time of we become
adults, urgently, to make our ritual
act in passing very soon, for sake of not
to destroy all the existing universes,
or to be, before this, destroyed. And
to base this option, we do not
need much intellectual effort , is enough,
before everything, to interpret our more
sacred Book, where it is found,
in only one phrase, a double order of
God to Adam and Eva, by the way
to the humanity whom they represented: “Grow
up and Multiply you ”.
The grow
up , in the Biblical episode, seem to
me, after great meditation, that is
used in the moral direction, in
the sense of to evolve, simply because,
if Adam and Eva had been already
created physically adult, and this
is reported in all Genesis , what necessity
had their proper Creator to give
them this order to grow in
the physical direction, if He himself
already thus makes them? Without any doubt,
this first part of the divine order is
necessary and condicionant of the
second, the “multiply you”,
that is It , oniscient , would
not go to desire that infantile and irresponsible
beings could become so numerous at the
point of, in the future, to threaten
part or all Its creation.
why, could you ask me, if
until the moment we do worry
yet about the fact of being or
not children, and we have been lived
relatively well and reached a wonderful
technological development, in the condition
where in we find , exactly now we would
have to make our ritual act in passage
for adult age?
reply is simple: first, because
most of the humanity does not live at
least regularly, but sofferably ; on
the other hand, the most portioned live always
fear of the events created by the violence
in all the levels and in all the countries
of the world, or being the
target of wars or terrorism, in a general
direction, or, individually , being
victims of the egoism and the lack of
civic and moral education of our fellows
ones . Along with this, with the reached
technological development, that independ of
these factors, we are initiating a new
phase of Great Discoveries, as it occurred
in the Average Age and of which our ancestor
had not known to make good use: wonderful civilizations
that many benefits could have all brought
to the world, had been destroyed and
the joined wealth obtained had
soon disappeared in the dust of the time.
And we come back again to the great
existing problems in the Old Continent,
now spread for the New Continent and
the other discovered regions, beyond more
new other ones proceeding from
this destructive activity of them.
we trouble in reading a little
of History, we will see that the human
being, from time to time, see itself
compelled to face resembled
situations and it always repeats the
same errors and it suffers to similars
consequences. However, to make a mistake
is human, exactly because we must to learn
with these errors, but repeat them
constantly, still more in proper damage, demonstrate
lack of mental acuity. If it exists
for the technological reasoning, certainly
will be lacking for the logical reasoning.
there historycally exists, is a vicious
circle in the scaling of the human being
- is a vicious circle that
leaves it, as a vehicle get stucking
in the mud. And thus, in the same way
that the bogger of the vehicle
increases more and more with
the uses the motor force of the
vehicle, thus it is operated with human
being History - the more of pure technology it
uses, in detriment of logical reasoning,
more it dives in dangers
that threaten them, therefore these dangers evolve
and appear in new forms,
until then unknown. And the vicious circle
recovers always and always, imprisoned to
the beginning point.
all of that the development of
logical sciences becomes necessary, moral
and ethical: it is the counterbalance
for us to be able to equilibrate
our performance as a genus and to reach
, tranquilly , individual and general
wellfare, that, in last analysis, it
is the goal of all individual, whether as
human in itself, or as component
of all of the humanity. In the understanding
of this we demonstrate to be an
adult human.
well as enormous surprises had been presented
to great scientists of Average
Age , that denied the existence of other
peoples and other civilizations beyond
that ones they knew, we do
not know what other ones as
much and bigger surprises will
not be waiting for us outside the
borders of our beloved Land - at our
time, our scientists, brilliant s technological,
also affirm the inexistence of other
civilizations in the innumerable universes
that in surround us . Here, as there,
some scientists put the contrary
hypothesis, but they are disrespected
and mocked. But what nobody can
deny, it is that, now, in century XXI,
as in century XV, these people can be
making a mistake, and also be acting
with the same infantile arrogance that
a child six years old feels
when deciphering its first “puzzle”.
last, in the doubt to possess or not
neighboring, and same that it does not
exist, we must inquire, now, yes, now
that our planet is almost all destroyed
by us, the following one:
desire to be remembered in future times,
as an extinct species that had its extinguishing
for being similar to a great cloud of
grasshoppers that everything destroys
to its passing and later it
extinguishes itserl because nothing
left for its proper subsistence,
we desire
to be being remembered as messenger of
peace , at future remote times, for our
descendants and perhaps for other species
more or less evolved than us, and capable
people to much teaching and,
still more, to much learning.
the second hypothesis, yes, is
urgent our ritual act to the
adult age - and this ritual is translated by a
mentality change, to the establishment,
at the world-wide level, of concrete
acts of social justice, only capable
to be gotten with raised ethical
moral and . It is not enough to the international
organisms and to the elites of the countries
of the world only to speak on peace,
but, yes, to accomplish necessary
measures to the ending of the enormous
differences of conditions of life among the
human beings, whether are destined
to subject the hunger, the illiteracy,
the ignorance, the ethics lack stops
with the fellow creatures and other components
of the Nature, or the ending of
wars, mainly for racial or territorial
reasons, or the fulfilment of international
agreements established by the ONU, especially
relative the divergences in the Middle
East, especially drive in the
quarrels on established rights already
since the end ofthe second great world-wide
war on territories and not yet fulfilled,
passed more than sixty years, or better
distribution of income, or establishment
of one maximum to the profit
of the multinational interprises , or
making obligatory the profit sharing
of the companies with the employees,
or complete assistance to infancy,
or gratuitous education of quality,
or gratuitous medical assistance
of quality to all the people. At least,
these itens, at the beginning .
I ask myself: it will be that I am considering
a new “Utopia”?Will it be
an “utopia”to imagine that
the human being, some day, will arrive
at its adult age, as a group, as an species?
I believe that not: if, amongst the human
beings a great number of individuals
already reached this evolutive period
, why must I imagine that the others
cannot reach it, if they possess the
same DNA ?
individuals that, through sufferings, studies,
examples, interior will, had obtained
to evolve, had already fulfilled the
first part of the order in the
godspell, they are already in
a superior growing, and, , happily,
are multiplying themselves and,
therefore, I understand that my supposed “Utopia” is
a reality, even though a yet not
touched realiy, yes, but a possible reality -
I only wait that the evolved beings multiply
the more quickly possible, so that
they can annul the effect of the incapacity
of many humans to exert good their
free will. (Note: “to be
multiplied”, here, does not want
only to say to give birth to other
beings, but, also, that other human beings
already in full activity also reach this
understanding, starting to act as this
understanding ).
the end, it only remains to me
to desire good luck fo everibody,
therefore whether a badly or a good
making of someones with the
reins of the decisions in the hands,
there will not only be influence
in the destination of them, but in your and
mine and all our descendants too,
therefore, whether we want or not,
we are made with the same
DNA, this link that no mortal has still
the power to extinguish or transform
into other one of a new species -
to each species its own DNA was
given by the Creator and is in it that
its History is written, and, in universal
terms : more one species
or another one that comes to be extermined
because the respective population did not
function as it was determined to it it
is not of great importance, it is plus
a bad DNA that is removed of
circulation.What really functions
in macro-universe terms, as have already alerted
the great Einstein there is a general
law established there, which, want or
not, we are all subjected. The Human
Laws of Justice are like the
Newton’s Laws –they only
influence the terrestre enviononment.
Outside the Earth the Laws of Justice that
are in force are another ones,
that, as the technological law
, we don’t know yet wha tare
, although t we know they
exist and must have moral
and ethics principles envolved,
and people who don’t
have one or other in his
own planet, certainly will be incapable
to conduct under the command of
universal general laws , naturally more comprehensive
than local or planetary norms.
the moment where really we will be able
to go beyond the borders of the solar
system that protects us, then we
will feel the incorporeal effect of the
universal general laws, not tangible
materially, in the direction that our
current scientists understand the tangiblelity
- and for this we must be prepared. |